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Είμαι η Doreida Xhogu και είμαι εικαστικός, απόφοιτη της Ανώτατης Σχολής Καλών Τεχνών της Αθήνας. Η καταγωγή μου είναι από την Σελενίτσα της Αλβανίας, είμαι κόρη μεταναστών και αυτή τη στιγμή βιοπορίζομαι ως οικιακή βοηθός. Προσφέροντας υπηρεσίες καθαριότητας από τη μία εξασφαλίζω τα προς το ζην και από την άλλη εξασφαλίζω τα απαραίτητα εφόδια για τη δημιουργία ενός πολυσυμμετοχικού εικαστικού έργου.
Το “Mama Klorin” είναι ένα πρότζεκτ γύρω από μια διεθνή ομάδα καθαριστριών. Καθαρίστριες απ' όλο τον κόσμο δημιουργούν έργα από πηλό, μαγειρεύουν συνταγές από τις πατρίδες τους και αφηγούνται μπροστά και πίσω από την κάμερα τις ιστορίες τους. Γιατί έφυγαν από τους τόπους τους? Κατόρθωσαν όσα είχαν ονειρευτεί πριν έρθουν στην Ελλάδα? Ποιές δυσκολίες αντιμετώπισαν στην καινούρια τους πατρίδα? Το “Mama Klorin” είναι ένα πολυδιάστατο έργο που πρόκειται να πάρει διάφορες μορφές. Οι γυναίκες συναντιούνται μαζί μου σε τακτά χρονικά διαστήματα και μαζί ξετυλίγουμε το κουβάρι του “Mama Klorin”.
Η πολύτιμη βοήθεια σας, θα μας οδηγήσει πιο κοντά στον στόχο, που είναι μία έκθεση με έργα που δημιουργούμε από κοινού με τις γυναίκες του πρότζεκτ, και, παράλληλα, ένα βιβλίο με τις ιστορίες τους και μια ταινία τεκμηρίωσης γύρω από τη δημιουργική διαδικασία. Είμαστε στην πολύ ευχάριστη θέση να έχουμε στο πλευρό μας το Ίδρυμα Ρόζα Λούξεμπουργκ που μας στηρίζει ηθικά και οικονομικά στο ξεκίνημα αυτού του πρότζεκτ.
Ωστόσο χρειαζόμαστε περαιτέρω στήριξη για την ολοκλήρωση του “Mama Klorin” και πιο συγκεκριμένα για:
❤ Αν προσφέρετε 10€, παίρνετε μία αφίσα “Mama Klorin” σε μέγεθος Α3.
❤ Αν προσφέρετε 20€, παίρνετε μία αφίσα και 4 καρτ ποστάλ.
❤ Αν προσφέρετε 50€, παίρνετε εκτύπωση giclee σε Fine Art paper σε μέγεθος Α4 υπογεγραμμένη και αριθμημένη (πολλαπλό εικαστικό έργο).
❤ Αν προσφέρετε 100€, παίρνετε μία εκτύπωση giclee print σε Fine Art paper σε μέγεθος Α3 υπογεγραμμένη και αριθμημένη (πολλαπλό εικαστικό έργο).
Emri im është Doreida Xhogu dhe jam artiste, e diplomuar ne Shkolla e Arteve të Bukura e Athinës. Origjina ime është nga Selenica, jam vajze emigrantesh dhe aktualisht punoj si ndihmese shtëpiakë. Duke afruar shërbime pastrimi nga njëra ane siguroj mbijetesën time dhe nga ana tjetër siguroj furnizimet e nevojshme për krijimin e një projekti vizual me shume pjesëmarrje.
"Mama Klorin" është një projekt rreth një grupi ndërkombëtar pastruesish. Pastruese nga e gjithë bota krijojnë skulptura me balt, do te gatuajnë receta nga vendlindja e tyre dhe do tregojnë historitë e tyre para dhe pas kamerës. Perse u larguan nga vendet e tyre? A e arritën atë qe kishin ëndërruar para se te vinin ne Greqi? Çfarë vështirësish takuan ne atë dheun e tyre te ri? "Mama Klorin" është një projekt shumëdimensional qe do te marre shume forma te ndryshime. Gratë takohen me mua ne intervale te rregullta dhe se bashku zgjidhim lëmshin e "Mama Klorin".
Kontributi juaj i vyer do te na afroje me shume me qëllimin, qe është një ekspozite me vepra qe krijojmë se bashku ne gratë e projektit, dhe njëkohësisht një libër me tregimet e tyre dhe një film dokumentar për procesin krijues. Jemi shume te kënaqur qe kemi ne krah Fondacionin Rosa Luxemburg, i cili na mbështet moralisht dhe financiarisht ne fillimin e këtij projekti.
Megjithatë, ne kemi nevojë për mbështetje te mëtejshme për përfundimin e "Mama Klorin" dhe me konkretisht për:
❤ Nëse ofroni 10€ merrni një poster "Mama Klorin" ne madhësinë A3.
❤ Nëse ofroni 20€ merrni një poster dhe 4 letra postare.
❤ Nëse ofroni 50€ merrni një printim giclee ne letër Fine Art ne madhësi A4 te nënshkruar dhe te numëruar (punime te shumta vizuale).
❤ Nëse ofroni 100€ merrni një printim giclee ne letër Fine Art ne madhësi A3 te nënshkruar dhe te numëruar (punime te shumta vizuale).
I'm Doreida Xhogu, a visual artist, and a graduate of the Athens School of Fine Arts. My origin is from Selenica, Albania, I'm the daughter of immigrants and currently make a living as a domestic worker. By offering cleaning services, I secure my livelihood while ensuring the necessary equipment to create a multi-participant visual art project.
"Mama Klorin" is a project around an international group of cleaners. Cleaners from all over the world create clay works, cook recipes from their homelands and tell their stories in front of and behind the camera. Why did they leave their homelands? Did they achieve everything they had dreamed of before coming to Greece? What difficulties did they face in their new home place? "Mama Klorin" is a multi-dimensional project that will take various forms. The women meet with me at regular intervals, and together we unravel the tangle of "Mama Klorin".
Your valuable assistance will bring us closer to the goal, which is an exhibition of works we are creating together with the women in the project and, at the same time, a book with their stories and a documentary film about the creative process. We are pleased to have the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation on our side, which has supported us morally and financially at the start of this project.
However, we need further support for the completion of "Mama Klorin" and specifically for:
❤ If you offer 10€, you get one "Mama Klorin" poster in A4 size.
❤ If you offer 20€, you get one poster and four postcards.
❤ If you offer 50€, you get one giclee print on Fine Art paper in A4 size signed and numbered (multiple artworks).
❤ If you offer 100€, you get one giclee print on Fine Art paper in A3 size signed and numbered (multiple artworks).
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